Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stay focussed

Many important components of 'O' levels exams happening in this week... Very busy and stressful for all of you...

But I believe all of you are pressing on... With great determination to do well... Sometimes, I wonder why i don't wish this class good luck in your major tests or exams.... I guess it's cos I have high excpectations of you and strong belief that you all do well by sheer hard work, not by luck, so you don't need good luck from me....

Just continue to stay focussed, work hard and do well in the coming Prelims and the 'O' Levels that will come by super soon... before we realise it, it will be over and all of you will be 'flying' all ways to various countries or institutions locally... As what Caroline said... work hard for your destiny... Do the teachers proud as we all have high expectations of you...
Stay nice... Stay healthy...
ChemisTay... Image by PhysicsGui...

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